BPNN architecture

1.Statically analysis of change of Channel Capacity Rate of different MIMO system Model.
A good channel capacity is always major issue on modern wireless communication system. A MIMO system has one key feature that the channel capacity is dependent on the number of transmitting and receiving antennas. Here we provide a novel system of channel capacity change curve which gives when less value of change of channel capacity rate provides a better channel capacity. Those less value of change in channel capacity rate dependent on number of transmitting and receiving antennas on MIMO system.
Keywords: Change in Channel Capacity Rate, MIMO System Model, Outage Probability,
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1.    Introduction:

 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system is a one of key features of today’s wireless system. The transmission and reception of signal of MIMO system are under the Rayleigh Fading.   These system are changing randomly and affected by various phenomena, due to this, channel capacity are degraded which is serious problem of modern wireless system. Modern system are leading to the erogdic2 (average) channel capacity as this is very useful when fluctuation of signal intensity are fast. Maximum data transmission rate is obtain when error probability becomes arbitrary small and two successive symbols contains the independent samples of signal intensity whereas SNR remains constant over duration of large number of symbols.
When signal transmission is random and fluctuations of these signal also known as quasi-static channels, are slow then maximum data transmission rate under a specified outage probability can be known as outage capacity which is more suitable.  The outage channel capacity can be calculated by help of [2]. The presented channel capacity ratio between two successive models is under the outage probability and some constant SNR level. The realization of random fading coefficient may be very small when communication over quasi-static fading channels at a given data rate R. In this case, the block (frame) error probability is bounded away from zero no matter whether the block length of symbol tends to infinity. [2]
There are various feature of MIMO system but one of the key feature that the channel capacity increase as a multiple antenna system i.e. as numbers of transmit (NT) & receive (NR) antennas increases then channel capacity increase. No extra additional capacity the increase factor is Min (NT, NR), can be achieved.[1] In this paper we provide analysis plot there which gives a change in channel capacity data rate with respect to number of antenna increasing. We are interesting on calculating the channel capacities of Random MIMO system, and statics technique is using for finding channel capacity rate with different CDF level. The Random MIMO system has good capacity response when channel state Information (CSI) is not available on the receiver. In this system H be unknown parameter to the transmitter so spreading the equal energy to all transmit antennas from one is possible. The transmitting signal is in autocorrelation function of signal vector on the receiving side.

2.       Channel capacity of Random MIMO:

In reality, random channel is an erodic2 process and capacity can be known as average channel capacity because it is result of averaging the instantaneous capacity [3]. So MIMO channel capacity can be has different statistical notation.  One of them is outage channel capacity with statistical notation which define on outage probability as
                      Pout(R) = Pr(C(H)<R)      (3)[1]                                                                                             
Within the transmission rate [R bps/Hz], if the decoding error probability cannot be made arbitrary small then the system is called outage. The decoder of C(H)  may commit error only when the channel is in outage. We can say that Є-outage channel capacity is the largest possible data rule which yields the equation of channel capacity as less than Є [1]. Then outage probability equation be
                            P(C(H)≤CЄ=Є          (4) [1]                                                                       
From the PDF of transmitting signal vector we are calculating the CDF of those random capacity channel which is shown below.

Figure 1: Channel capacity of various MIMO system Model

3.       Simulation Results: 

For simulation we assuming those curve of data bit rate are constantly varying which gives a constant change of data bit rate. The total probability is always one so we take here change in data rate is under 0.1 probability difference. Figure 1 gives various value of data bit change rate when number of transmitting and receiving antennas of MIMO system Model. So we take interpolation method for finding those resulting curve which gives as change of data bit rate under 0.1 probability change with respect to number of transmitting and receiving antennas. Figure 2 shows three data bit rate changing curves with three SNRs level i.e. 1dB, 5dB, 10dB. This figure also shows that when number antennas are increasing the curve is decreasing.  The decreasing curve is less dependent on different SNR levels.

Figure 2: Change in Data bit rate with respect to numbers of antennas.

4.       Conclusion:

 The changing data bit rate curve is decreasing when number of antennas are increasing. This gives lower change in data bit rate change gives increasing in channel capacity. Hence above simulation result shows that MIMO system improves his channel capacity when number of transmitting and receiving antennas are increasing.

5.       Acknowledgement

This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2009-0093828) and in part by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea, under Grant IITP-2015-H8601-15-1006 of the Convergence Information Technology Research Center program supervised by the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion.

6.       References

1)       MIMO-OFDMA Wireless Communication with Matlab,    by Yong Soo Cho | Jackwon Kim Won Young Yang | Chung-Gu Kang   http://www.wiley.com
2)       Quasi-Static Multiple-AntennaFading Channels at Finite Blocklength Wei Yang,Student Member, IEEE Giuseppe Durisi,Senior Member, IEEE Tobias Koch,Member, IEEE  and Yury Polyanskiy,Member, IEEE  http://people.lids.mit.edu/yp/homepage/data/qsmimo.pdf
3)       Outage capacity evaluation of extended generalized-KK fading channel in the presence of random blockage Jelena A. Anastasov    Nemanja M. Zdravković   Goran T. Djordjevic   
4)        Ergodic capacity, outage capacity, and information transmission over Rayleigh fading channels Sayantan Choudhury and Jerry D. Gibson Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
5)        Capacity and error probability performance analysis for MIMO MC DS-CDMA system in ημ fading environmentJames Osuru Marka Brahim Belhaouari Samirb, Naufal M. Saadahttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1434841112002014

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